Robert Manne: Long read: The nations of the earth are doing very little to avert an impending, entirely foreseeable catastrophe. There are many reasons why – some obvious, others less so.
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Humans are very good at managing risks, except when it comes to the greatest risk we`ve faced -- climate change.
Really? Not Hitler, Stalin, Mao, malaria? Guardian-climate-blogger-who-works-for-an-EPA-contractor-without-disclosure Dana Nuccitelli writes in an attack on Judith Curry: At the moment, climate change looks like humanity`s& ...
THE FOUNDATION. "Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph." --Thomas Paine. Publisher`s Note: As your Patriot team returns& ...
Robert Manne: Long read: The nations of the earth are doing very little to avert an impending, entirely foreseeable catastrophe. There are many reasons why – some obvious, others less so.
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