Death Summary: Adolfo Bresciano (aka Dino Bravo) was found shot in the face in his Vimont, Laval, Quebec mansion on March 11, 1993. It is believed that his role in a illegal cigarette smuggling ring in Canada led to his& ...
murder of adolfo bresciano
... sport`s fallen and examines their legacies — famous and obscure alike. Today: Dino Bravo, who was shot to death on March 11, 1993, in his Laval, Quebec, home. ... But although Dino Bravo — né Adolfo Bresciano — was certainly one of Canada`s brawniest sportsmen, he was also part of the great Canadian diaspora that for decades has been a pipeline of wrestling talent to American audiences. Actually, Bravo was archetypal of a slightly outmoded sort of bad-guy& ...
Former WWF tag team champion Adolfo Bresciano or better known as “The Canadian Strongman” Dino Bravo was found shot to death in his own home in Quebec. He was shot a total of 17 times, with 7 of those shots directly& ...
Dino Bravo (Adolfo Bresciano) 44 1993 Murdered DJ Peterson (Dave Peterson) 33 1993 Accident (motorcycle) Earthquake (John Tenta) 42 2006 Disease (cancer) Ed Gantner 31 1990 Suicide Eddie Gilbert 33 1995 Heart& ...
Death Summary: Adolfo Bresciano (aka Dino Bravo) was found shot in the face in his Vimont, Laval, Quebec mansion on March 11, 1993. It is believed that his role in a illegal cigarette smuggling ring in Canada led to his& ...
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